Infyna Chic™ Intermittent Catheter

The Infyna Chic™ catheter is beautiful, discreet and easy to use. Its aesthetically pleasing design offers a sense of normalcy without constant reminders of medical concerns. After use, simply reseal the case and dispose of the catheter without worry of leaks or odor.

  • Catheter case can be opened and closed with one hand
  • Just right catheter stiffness helps facilitate touch-free insertion
  • The catheter length helps give confidence that the bladder can be fully drained
  • Does not leak liquid when reclosed
  • Free from PVC
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*Cotton, denim, linen and polyester.  Hollister Data on File, TR-00553, 2022.



Recycling the Infyna Chic™ catheter case

Image: Recycling symbolThe Infyna Chic™ catheter case can be recycled, and recycling is recommended as the best end-use disposal option. 

The Infyna Chic™ catheter case is made mostly from polypropylene, a commonly used plastic packaging material. Different types of plastic are identified with different numbers. The identification number for polypropylene is number five.

As recycling practices vary widely by market, please consult your local environmental authorities to understand the procedures for recycling polypropylene in your location.

Recycling the Infyna Chic™ catheter

Recycling of catheters is generally not recommended, as they are subject to regulations around the recycling of medical devices.


Rx Only.

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